trivia game introduction screen
  • project name : Trivia Game
  • client : Personal Project
  • launch date : January, 2020
  • GitHub : Trivia Game Repository

Technologies: React.js, Redux, CSS

Packages & Libraries: Semantic UI, react-router-dom, dompurify

The trivia game is created using React with several packages. The app uses Redux for state management (although it is not complex enough to make Redux necessary). For navigation, the app uses React Router. Lastly, DOMPurify is used to sanitize the HTML received from the API so it renders properly for the user.
trivia game introduction screen
Trivia question: The chemical element Lithium is named after the country of Lithuania.  True or false?
Trivia question: Nazi Germany surrendered on Harry Truman's birthday while he was president.  True or false?
trivia game results
trivia game results