buried treasures home
  • project name :Buried Treasures Ecommerce
  • client :Buried Treasures Boston
  • launch date : August, 2020

Technologies: Liquid, Shopify Back-End, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Buried Treasures has been a local business in Boston since 1985 with 2 locations. Due to Covid-19 quarantine, Buried Treasures was temporarily closed. Rather than closing with a pessimistic attitude, they approached the current situation as a source of motivation to take action on their desire to expand the business model to include eCommerce.
Shopify was chosen as the back-end to allow for a quick process of development to deployment and also to allow ecommerce inventory to integrate with in store POS. Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content.
Buried Treasures Home
Buried Treasures Home Content
Buried Treasures Our Story Page
Buried Treasures Shop
Buried Treasures Shop
Buried Treasures Contact